Why Hire a Professional Photographer?

There are so many reasons we (me, you…) need to be in our family’s portraits. How often, and how easy, is it to be the one behind the camera and never in front of it? Believe me, I get it. I’m the same way. We come up with all kinds of excuses…


“I will schedule a session when I lose 20 pounds…”

“I don’t have anything to wear…”

“I’m just not photogenic…”

“Maybe next time/next year…”

“I need to get my gray colored up…”

“I don't think…(insert any excuse in the world)”

I’ve been there, friend. I am going to try to help you put away your fears, insecurities, and excuses once and for all.

Why hire a professional? The short answer is that by hiring a professional, you are making an investment in capturing memories that will last you a lifetime. A REAL professional photographer has invested time and money in an effort to educate themselves about lighting, posing and post-processing that will make you and your family look your absolute best.

Family portraiture is about so much more than selfies and a quick filter that will live on your cell phone until it breaks and you lose all of your photos. It’s about capturing moments, growth, change and memories.
Those things?
They are priceless.

So, save the selfies with your BFF when you go on a day trip; when you’re out on the town for a date night; and even for that amazing taco you’re going to eat for lunch. By all means, SnapChat that thing and post it on Instagram, girl!

But don’t trust those LIFE MOMENTS to just anyone with a camera. Make an investment for you, your children, and your future grandchildren.

It’s about so much more than any excuse we can possibly come up with.